forgiveness and mercy

Am I Presently Disqualified from all Participation, Service and Giving?

The reasons I believe Scripture now bars me from nearly all church activities, service and giving until offenses two other believers hold against me are fully resolved–if that ever happens–and what I plan to do now.

The Opposite of Love is Indifference

The opposite of love is indifference, not hate. Indifference is love that has grown cold. The modern pop psychology concept advocating “cutting off” people who have hurt us teaches the advisability of indifference. It is unscriptural if understood to dehumanize or dematerialize the person cut off, making them non-entities beyond hope of repentance.

What is a root of bitterness?

A root of bitterness is a grudge that spreads to uninvolved parties, planting contempt for the accused and hindering God’s grace. It leads to unforgiveness, rumor embellishment, and division among believers. To combat this, individuals should forgive offenses and avoid spreading resentment, while the church follows scripture-based conflict resolution without gossip.

¿Qué es una raíz de amargura?

Una raíz de amargura es un rencor que, al difundirse, contamina al oyente y crea actitudes de desprecio hacia el ofensor. Los rumores empeoran y se propagan exponencialmente, dañando irreparablemente las relaciones. La única solución es perdonar y buscar la reconciliación, evitando siempre los chismes.

¿Hay Algo Que Dios No Puede Perdonar?

El texto explica que Dios no puede perdonarnos los rencores entre nosotros, ya que solo nosotros somos los dueños de esos sentimientos y debemos decidir perdonar. Jesús enseña que si no perdonamos a otros, Dios no nos perdonará. Dios valora la reconciliación y nos llama a vivir en el perdón.

Carta para Regina Olveira, que veio do Rio de Janeiro

Uma carta para Regina Oliveira, que veio do Rio de Janeiro e abençoou nossas vidas em 1984 e 1985, conforme descrito em meu post anterior. Um tiro no escuro. Por favor, responda!

The Story of Regina

Explanation of the letter I have written to Regina Oliveira. She was an important part of the surreal story of my life from 1984 to 1991, then she disappeared. Her love sustained us in a very difficult time. This story teaches that you can’t know how much the kindness you do today will change the world forty years from now.

La historia de Regina

Explicación de la carta que he escrito a Regina Oliveira. Ella era una parte importante de la historia surreal de mi vida de 1984 a 1991, luego desapareció. Su amor nos sostuvo en un momento muy difícil. Esta historia enseña que no puedes saber cuánto la bondad que haces hoy cambiará el mundo dentro de cuarenta años.

And I think I have problems?

God’s people had been ruled by God as their King. But they had forgotten him. Still, Samuel said to them, “And as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you.”

¿Y creo que yo tengo problemas?

La gente de Dios le había sido gobernada por Dios como su Rey. Pero ellos le han olvidado. Quisieron un Rey “como todas las naciones”, no Dios. Aun así, Samuel les dijo: «y en cuanto a mí, lejos esté de mí que peque contra el Señor, cesando de orar por ustedes».