Monthly Archive: March 2022

Godly sorrow and repentance which leads to salvation, 2 Corinthians 7:8-10

In Corinth, Godly sorrow over a letter Paul regretted writing led the members of the church to a zeal to put away their sins which is the definition of repentance. After that repentance, they were told to accept back among themselves even those who had lapsed into the “worst” sins, but had repented.

Self-righteousness, idolatry of self, repentance and an unrepentant heart in Romans 2

Romans 2:4-5 is a warning aimed not at the wicked world, but at the self-righteous–even believers–who harshly judge others while forgetting that it was the kindness of God that led them to repentance.

Works worthy of repentance in Acts 26:20

In his trial before King Herod Agrippa in Acts 26, Paul went out of his way to emphasize that “works worthy of repentance” flow from turning to God and not from our own determination to prove our repentance.

An ambiguous instance of “repentance” before the Ephesian elders, Acts 20:21

Paul’s farewell message to the Ephesian elders reminded them of his former preaching in their church, in which “repentance toward God” was linked with “the things concerning God’s Kingdom,” a realm in which God is obeyed.