

Even a very respectable denomination’s or church organization’s determination that a teaching is “heresy” cannot be taken, without examination, as absolute truth for two reasons. First, a deliberately divisive person’s–a true “heretic’s”– motives are selfish rather than doctrinal and usually well-hidden behind doctrine. Second, such people sometimes take control of even respectable denominations.

The “Winning” Faction may be Heretical

Because the truth remains true even if no one believes it, it does not depend on human power relationships. Therefore, it is not safe to label people “heretics” because they disagree with us concerning doctrines that were imposed on our ancestors by right of conquest or that disagree with teachings honored by political leadership or majorities today.

Recognized Leaders May Lapse into Incorrect Positions and Divisiveness

“Heresy” cannot be determined by calling anything that goes in a different direction that specific leaders a heresy, because leaders are sometimes wrong. Peter is an example, though he repented when rebuked for his divisiveness in Antioch.

Concurrent History of the Organized Church Institution, Divisions Among Christians, the Rise and Influence of Islam, and the Present State of the West

This page contains a top-level outline of a long series of posts that will show how errors and divisions that crept into Christianity before Muhammad influenced Muhammad either positively–leading to the his adoption of exaggerated forms of these errors–or negatively– leading to exaggerated reactions against them. Islamic versions of these errors or reactive teachings then influenced Medieval Christianity. The combination of the original errors and Islamic influences then combined with European politics to lead to the Crusades, the Reformation and its wars, and the modern West and Western Church as we know them.

Conclusion: False Brethren Seek to Bring Us into Bondage

The essence of heresy is division in the Body of Christ, and a “heretic” is one who stealthily introduces division into that Body in order to increase his or her own reputation, power or wealth. In that way, they seek to replace Christ as Head of the Body for their own profit.

Factions–Following Human Leaders–Leads to Heresy

Christ is not divided. But historically Christianity has been divided into groups following human leaders, past or present, ahead of Christ. The solution is an individual one, letting God perfect our unity with our brothers. It cannot be imposed by a human leader or organization.