Tag Archive: Judgment

God’s Patience and Our Repentance, 2 Peter 3:9

God is slow to bring the day of justice because he is patient, determined to give us all the time we need to repent and return to him. If we do not, it will be our choice, not his, to remain in the present world when he removes his care from it and it disintegrates under the weight of sin.

“Unless You Repent, You Will All Perish,” the Parable of the Spared Fig Tree, and the problem of evil in Luke 13:1-9

In Luke 13:1-9, Jesus answers the “problem of evil” by pointing at his questioners’–and everyone’s–sin, pointing out that death and suffering come as a result of sin, not of being a greater or lesser sinner, and calling for repentance.

The Effect of Organized Christianity’s Early Departures from its Roots Upon the Rise of Islam

This is an outline of the third part of my attempt to link early errors of organized Christianity to the state of the modern world–specifically, in this part, by showing how they influenced Islam. Links will be added as future posts are written.