Time, life, and congratulations to my granddaughter

It’s true–time moves faster as you age. dt/dt, the rate of movement of time with respect to itself, should always equal 1, but it doesn’t. When you’re 3 and your favorite question is “why?”, dt/dt is about 0.0001. You want everything NOW, and everything takes FOREVER, until after you “grow up.” When you’re approaching 70, and your favorite question is “why me?,” dt/dt is about 10,000. You wish it were yesterday, or a past year when someone who has gone on was still present, and life flies by much too fast for your comfort. Case in point: it seems like just yesterday that our granddaughter Ariel was born. Her young life has flown by, and I loved her dearly, but it often seemed we were on different planets. She has grown up so fast! dt/dt=100,000,000,000. Just yesterday she announced her engagement! But at least this means that I may achieve “great”-ness before my time on earth runs out!

Congratulations, dear Ariel! I love you!

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