Tag Archive: the unforgiving servant

Other People Were Affected, Too—The Lord’s “Other Servants”

But the damage didn’t stop with the Unforgiving Servant and the Unforgiven Servant. The Lord’s “other servants” were also affected. Matthew 18:23-24 (WEB) Recall how the matter started. The Lord was settling accounts with his “servants,” plural, when one servant with a huge debt was brought before him. That servant begged the Lord for mercy, and the Lord gave him…
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My Next Fool’s Errand: Justifying continued prayer for other believers who have told me I must “forget” them because of an offense

Preliminary outline of two series dealing with mutual imprisonment by unforgiveness, God’s goal of reconciliation, and praying for those who don’t want my prayers using constructive, New Testament prayers.

Both of the Debtors in the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant Ended up in Debtors’ Prison

The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant in Matthew 18 shows that an unresolved offense keeps both parties imprisoned, bound from service, though only the unforgiving one is tortured by their unforgiveness.

A Grudge Imprisons All Parties to It

I’ve heard it preached that, when I hold a grudge, I hurt only myself. The other person is not affected. But this is simply false. As long as either of us is holding a grudge, we are both imprisoned in it, until the one holding the grudge releases it. I must offer unlimited forgiveness, and not give in to bearing a grudge toward those who have hurt me. And I must be aware that my grudge always affects other people.