Tag Archive: Spirit

The Mind of Christ, and Rejecting It

God speaks to us individually, and also collectively as his Body. We must hear him and walk with him individually and also depend on each other for his voice. Believers all have the mind of Christ, but none of us alone has all of the mind of Christ.

The Nature of Angels–Messengers and Ministering Spirits

The place and function of angels is not often mentioned in Scripture, because they exist as messengers and ministering spirits, serving us on God’s behalf, not themselves, bringing God’s message not their own. They are never the dominant subject of any scripture.

Angels and Spirits–Basic Word Meanings

An extended glossary of terms that will be used in discussing spirit and spirits, angels and demons, in the coming series on angels and on what it means that some of them “sinned” and “abandoned their proper abode.” The conclusion of this series is briefly summarized in this way: angels are messengers, not the message, and some of them sinned when they left the status of a messenger to become the focus of their message.

The Human Being as a Picture of God’s Complex Unity

Human beings are made in God’s image, a picture of his complex unity. Body and spirit must be united to form a soul. Each of the faculties of the soul and parts of the body together form a single, unified person.

What We Lose If Jesus is Not Human as shown by Jesus’ Preparation for his Ministry

If Jesus is not human, like us, we also lose the promise of the Holy Spirit, the invitation to live by the direction and power of the Spirit like Jesus did while he was here, and everything that flows from that. Fully discussing this topic will require several posts. While Jesus lived among us bodily, he did not rely on…
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Young children as mystics

Confusion, and the need to find what I believed around people who did not believe precisely the same things I believed, has characterized a good deal of my faith journey in Christ. I have frequently associated with churches, not because of their formal doctrinal stance, but because of the people who were there–because I felt God had called me to…
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