Tag Archive: peace-loving

I Receive Back More of What I Give — But Grace is Needed, it’s a Learning Process

My human nature, people around me and even the world’s “experts” tell me that I should insist on my “rights,” hold grudges forever, cut people off, deny all mercy and all forgiveness, particularly when I have been hurt badly. But God’s wisdom tells me to show his grace, mercy and forgiveness, and to set people free. Jesus promised—and warned—that I will receive back even more of what I give, good or bad. But becoming like Jesus is a learning process I am still far from completing.

The “Heretick” in Titus 3

Titus 3:10 instructs whenever a divisive person approaches ME and tries to start an argument, I am to warn them twice about their behavior and then excuse myself. Thereafter I should ignore them, until they repent of their argumentativeness. It is a simple instruction by which I can avoid being influenced by divisiveness. It is not an instruction to the Church or the State to burn heretics.