Tag Archive: Love

The Golden Rule: I love my enemies because I want them to do the same to me

I will now begin to apply an extended passage from Jesus’ “Sermon on the Plain,” recorded in Luke 6:27-40. Jesus’ message in this passage can be summarized as: The passage starts: Luke 6:27-30 (WEB) Here we are given a list of commands about how to treat those who hate, oppose or use us. But, by Jesus own words. these commands…
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The Opposite of Love is Indifference

The opposite of love is indifference, not hate. Indifference is love that has grown cold. The modern pop psychology concept advocating “cutting off” people who have hurt us teaches the advisability of indifference. It is unscriptural if understood to dehumanize or dematerialize the person cut off, making them non-entities beyond hope of repentance.

The Blog Will Continue Under a New Name, Emphasizing that I’m an Incurable Fool!

Full retraction of all previous blog content as the words of an ignorant fool. Declaration of a new purpose and an intention to now burn myself out following it.

Where am I going next–and does it really matter?

About the shortness of my time remaining, the failure of my life thus far, priorities, how Don Quixote, the Serenity Prayer and Ponce de Leon fit, love is always passionate, and passion always hurts, and proudly wearing the craters on my heart.

Love Never Behaves Inappropriately, a personal aside

To understand how to love people in each specific situation, I must ask God and listen to His answer. This is particularly important for me because of my condition. I can’t fake it.

There is only one kind of love!

There is only one kind of love, the love of God, who is unique, united in one. I must love God and my individual neighbor with the same unique, pure, undivided love with which God loves me.

My Introduction to Love

My lifelong struggle with love, exacerbated by autism, and how my attempts to show love have often been flawed. I realize authentic love comes from God and that I must rely on the Holy Spirit rather than my own wisdom to truly love others.

How should we respond together to the Lord’s discipline?

The passage from Hebrews 12:11-17 discusses the Lord’s discipline and how believers should support one another through it. Discipline, though painful, leads to righteousness and peace. This unified response showcases peace and holiness, helping others to see the Lord through our lives. Holiness and peace are essential for believers.

The Story of Regina

Explanation of the letter I have written to Regina Oliveira. She was an important part of the surreal story of my life from 1984 to 1991, then she disappeared. Her love sustained us in a very difficult time. This story teaches that you can’t know how much the kindness you do today will change the world forty years from now.

Warning: Spiritual Encouragement/ Exhortation Causes Paroxysms!

If we are doing what we are supposed to be doing, we should expect to see some earthquakes, volcanoes, seizures, fires, and other things that drastically change the lives of the people around us–though in a good direction–toward love and good deeds.