Tag Archive: God

To Find Mercy, Show Mercy; To Find Freedom, Set Others Free

To Find Mercy, Show Mercy; To Find Freedom, Set Others Free

In just the same way that showing love toward those who hate me is acting like my Heavenly Father does, being supernatural. so being kind toward evil people and merciful toward all who need mercy is also showing God in my life. I cannot be free while judging other people worthy of bondage for their offenses against me. I will only find freedom by setting others free.

What Should I Do when Other Christians Tell me Not to Pray for Them?

When other believers reject me so completely that they order me not to pray for them, this doesn’t change what God tells me to do for them. I should continue doing good to them, as the opportunity presents itself. Galatians 6:7-10. This includes praying for them.

Love Never Behaves Inappropriately, a personal aside

To understand how to love people in each specific situation, I must ask God and listen to His answer. This is particularly important for me because of my condition. I can’t fake it.

God highly values reconciliation

God values conciliation very much. And the responsibility is mine, not yours. I can’t serve God while I know that you hold something against me.

Live at peace with others

If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. This is one of the most important principles of Scriture, because God is love.

A Grudge Imprisons All Parties to It

I’ve heard it preached that, when I hold a grudge, I hurt only myself. The other person is not affected. But this is simply false. As long as either of us is holding a grudge, we are both imprisoned in it, until the one holding the grudge releases it. I must offer unlimited forgiveness, and not give in to bearing a grudge toward those who have hurt me. And I must be aware that my grudge always affects other people.

Is There Anything God Can’t Forgive?

God can’t forgive a grudge I am holding against you. I have to do that. And God can’t forgive a grudge you are holding against me. You have to do that. To know God’s forgiveness, I must choose to live in it.

The Son of Man has Power on Earth to Forgive Sins

When Jesus said that the son of man has power to forgive sins on Earth, he was referring to his humanity–and ours. God has already forgiven. Like Jesus, we have the power–and the mission–to offer forgiveness on Earth.

Part 7J. The Importance of Kindreds

The importance of broad family and kindred groups to God’s work on Earth and my initiative to my own.

God’s Work and Voice in Me, Part 7E: God’s Voice in the New Testament

The voice of God as found being spoken to various people in the New Testament, both publicly and privately.