
A Visit with the Unforgiving Servant on the Rack.  What did he Still Owe?

Links: This post read as a You Tube video. Full playlist for this series. We now continue with the story of the first servant—the one whose Lord forgave him an astronomically large debt, but who then wouldn’t forgive his fellow servant a debt of three months’ wages.  While the two servants were the only parties to the debt, they were…
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This Blog Will Come Down After December 1, 2024, and Abdication from My Life

This blog will come down after December 1, 2024 unless those in spiritual authority over me tell me to keep some parts of it up under their supervision. It’s way beyond time for me to shed my avoidance of close relationships.  They are the only place God’s love is found. Any future writing on these subjects will be a part of a group effort.

Jesús, el Gran Pastor, guía un solo rebaño. Y él es nuestro único Pastor.

Jesús es nuestro único Pastor, quien da su vida por las ovejas, y él guía un solo rebaño. Él asigna sus ovejas a los lugares que quiere, cuando quiere.

The Story of Regina

Explanation of the letter I have written to Regina Oliveira. She was an important part of the surreal story of my life from 1984 to 1991, then she disappeared. Her love sustained us in a very difficult time. This story teaches that you can’t know how much the kindness you do today will change the world forty years from now.

About “Turn, Turn, Turn” by “The Byrds”

This is my fear and my hope. There is a time to dance, although I could never dance. There is a time to hug each other. There is a time for peace. There is a time to love. Will that time come during my lifetime? I do not know.

My Response to “The Rose”

So dare I hope so late as now
Toward the end of my life
That, beneath all of the ice and snow
Atop my frozen grave
When the sun’s love clears the cold stone
There will yet lie the seed
That in the spring becomes the rose?.

What does it look like to live at peace with others?

What does it look like to live at peace with others? If I depend on God to give me all good things, I will not expect them from other people. And, when nothing was said, I should not assume anything.

One who is born of the Holy Spirit is unpredictable like the wind, and so we will be, if we live by Him.

What is born of the Spirit is unpredictable, like the wind. But we generally prefer to avoid individuals who can trigger the types of violent course correction—paroxysmon—spoken of in Hebrews 10:24.

Time, life, and congratulations to my granddaughter

It’s true–time moves faster as you age. dt/dt, the rate of movement of time with respect to itself, should always equal 1, but it doesn’t. When you’re 3 and your favorite question is “why?”, dt/dt is about 0.0001. You want everything NOW, and everything takes FOREVER, until after you “grow up.” When you’re approaching 70, and your favorite question is…
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A Note to a Future Historian

This note is really not written to the whole world. It is written to a historian–a single person–who will find it on some archive that contains portions of this blog in some future year, likely far in the future. Therefore, while I am posting this note, I will neither make a video of it nor actively promote it. The prophecy…
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