choosing not to forgive

To Find Mercy, Show Mercy; To Find Freedom, Set Others Free

To Find Mercy, Show Mercy; To Find Freedom, Set Others Free

In just the same way that showing love toward those who hate me is acting like my Heavenly Father does, being supernatural. so being kind toward evil people and merciful toward all who need mercy is also showing God in my life. I cannot be free while judging other people worthy of bondage for their offenses against me. I will only find freedom by setting others free.

The Apostle Paul approved of arbitration of disputes between Christians by other believers

The theme of this installment is a question Paul asked the church in Corinth: 1 Corinthians 6:5 (WEB) While the process Jesus described in Matthew 18:15-20 (see previous series of installments) is the ideal procedure, the one most likely to produce reconciliation–which is the goal of all such procedures–the New Testament is not rigidly inflexible in demanding that only this…
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Other People Were Affected, Too—The Lord’s “Other Servants”

But the damage didn’t stop with the Unforgiving Servant and the Unforgiven Servant. The Lord’s “other servants” were also affected. Matthew 18:23-24 (WEB) Recall how the matter started. The Lord was settling accounts with his “servants,” plural, when one servant with a huge debt was brought before him. That servant begged the Lord for mercy, and the Lord gave him…
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Hear the Unjust Judge: Pray and Don’t Give Up

In praying for the good of all of the people important to my world, and all those God has made me aware of–who have my attention for a purpose God knows–doesn’t there come a time when I can simply decide to stop praying because it’s simply no use? Assuming that God (not other people) has not directly told me to…
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A Visit with the Unforgiving Servant on the Rack.  What did he Still Owe?

Links: This post read as a You Tube video. Full playlist for this series. We now continue with the story of the first servant—the one whose Lord forgave him an astronomically large debt, but who then wouldn’t forgive his fellow servant a debt of three months’ wages.  While the two servants were the only parties to the debt, they were…
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Is Infinite Forgiveness shown to Us by God? Are We Supposed to Do the Same?

Links: This post read as a YouTube video . Full playlist for this series. The next part of Jesus’ discussion of forgiveness in Matthew 18 asks the question “is infinite forgiveness shown to us by God. and are we supposed to do the same?” Then Peter came and said to him, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me,…
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“If two of you shall agree on earth” refers to the reconciliation procedure

Jesus’ promise to answer prayers made by any two believers who are in agreement is a part of his discussion on reconciliation of offenses. Strictly, it applies to prayers made as a result of reconciliation. This underscores the importance of reconciliation between believers to Jesus.

My Next Fool’s Errand: Justifying continued prayer for other believers who have told me I must “forget” them because of an offense

Preliminary outline of two series dealing with mutual imprisonment by unforgiveness, God’s goal of reconciliation, and praying for those who don’t want my prayers using constructive, New Testament prayers.

Does an Unresolved Offense Disqualify from Worship, Service or Giving?

The reasons I believe Scripture now bars me from nearly all church activities, service and giving until offenses two other believers hold against me are fully resolved–if that ever happens–and what I plan to do now.

Both of the Debtors in the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant Ended up in Debtors’ Prison

The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant in Matthew 18 shows that an unresolved offense keeps both parties imprisoned, bound from service, though only the unforgiving one is tortured by their unforgiveness.