
Does an Unresolved Offense Disqualify from Worship, Service or Giving?

The reasons I believe Scripture now bars me from nearly all church activities, service and giving until offenses two other believers hold against me are fully resolved–if that ever happens–and what I plan to do now.

Both of the Debtors in the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant Ended up in Debtors’ Prison

The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant in Matthew 18 shows that an unresolved offense keeps both parties imprisoned, bound from service, though only the unforgiving one is tortured by their unforgiveness.

Offenses, Not Discerning the Lord’s Body, and Eating at the Lord’s Table Unworthily, 1 Corinthians 11.

Eating and drinking the Lord’s Supper in an “unworthy way” in 1 Corinthians 11, in its full context, refers to partaking without a proper appreciation that those partaking with you are also members of the Body. It relates to the lack of a felt connection.

¿Hay Algo Que Dios No Puede Perdonar?

El texto explica que Dios no puede perdonarnos los rencores entre nosotros, ya que solo nosotros somos los dueños de esos sentimientos y debemos decidir perdonar. Jesús enseña que si no perdonamos a otros, Dios no nos perdonará. Dios valora la reconciliación y nos llama a vivir en el perdón.

Un rencor encarcela a todas sus partes

Guardando rencor, no solo uno se daña a sí mismo, sino que ambas partes quedan atrapadas en una prisión emocional hasta que se libere el rencor. Jesús enseña que debemos perdonar infinitamente y sin contabilizar las ofensas, mostrando compasión y misericordia hacia los demás, como Dios lo hace con nosotros. Originalmente publicado en inglés el 11 de julio de 2024.

Am I blind? Can I spot a thief?

In John 10, Jesus speaks to the Pharisees about the good shepherd following the healing of a blind man in John 9. The healed man affirms faith in Jesus, resulting in his expulsion from the synagogue. Jesus criticizes the Pharisees’ spiritual blindness, contrasting true shepherds with thieves. My sheep can see this. Can you? The first in a series.

¿Soy ciego? ¿Puedo detectar a un ladrón?

En Juan 9 y 10, Jesús, tras sanar a un ciego y confrontar a los fariseos, les acusa de hipocresía espiritual al afirmar que pueden ver mientras rechazan la verdad. Jesús usa la parábola del buen pastor para contrastar entre el verdadero guía y los falsos líderes, cuestionando la legitimidad de los fariseos. La primera parte de ls serie.

You Are Not the One to Build, Part 3: God Making Peace with the World Through the Most Notorious Sinners!

Linked text to accompany the third in a series of videos about God’s gifts and callings for people, which he sometimes gives to notorious evildoers. Discusses Moses, King David and Saul of Tarsus, who literally got away with murder. Or did they?

You Are Not the One to Build, Part 1: God’s Work, God’s Reputation, and My Acclaim

The first of a series of videos about God giving people things to start which he does not then permit them to finish. God does this for his own glory, and, sometimes to protect his own reputation, as was the case in King David’s preparations to build a Temple–and also in my own life.

Encouragement, good and bad, and the importance of “Today”

When God told the people to go in and he would give them his promise “Today,” they did not trust he was good. So they believed their fears instead. As a result, they could not go in, as he had said, “tomorrow.”