
Sin, its definition and consequences

Am I Presently Disqualified from all Participation, Service and Giving?

The reasons I believe Scripture now bars me from nearly all church activities, service and giving until offenses two other believers hold against me are fully resolved–if that ever happens–and what I plan to do now.

Both of the Debtors in the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant Ended up in Debtors’ Prison

The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant in Matthew 18 shows that an unresolved offense keeps both parties imprisoned, bound from service, though only the unforgiving one is tortured by their unforgiveness.

What Does the Lord’s Table have to do with this?

Eating and drinking the Lord’s Supper in an “unworthy way” in 1 Corinthians 11, in its full context, refers to partaking without a proper appreciation that those partaking with you are also members of the Body. It relates to the lack of a felt connection.

Leprosy–and members cutting each other off

The analogy between classical leprosy (Hansen’s Disease) and the effect of unresolved bitterness between members of the Body of Christ. Both cause members of the body to lose sensation and be vulnerable to infection and death. “Cutting off” members only accelerates this.

Didn’t Jesus tell us how to handle offenses between believers?

Jesus and Paul both give details of procedures for handling offenses within the church. Those procedures look toward reconciliation and removal of barriers, rather than creation of barriers, except where excommunication is necessary.

Jesús, el Gran Pastor, guía un solo rebaño. Y él es nuestro único Pastor.

Jesús es nuestro único Pastor, quien da su vida por las ovejas, y él guía un solo rebaño. Él asigna sus ovejas a los lugares que quiere, cuando quiere.

Love Never Behaves Inappropriately, a personal aside

To understand how to love people in each specific situation, I must ask God and listen to His answer. This is particularly important for me because of my condition. I can’t fake it.

El Amor Nunca Se Porta Indecorosamente, un aparte personal

Para entender cómo amar a las personas en cada situación específica, debo preguntarle a Dios y escuchar su respuesta. Esto es particularmente importante para mí debido a mi condición.. Yo no lo puedo fingir.

My Introduction to Love

My lifelong struggle with love, exacerbated by autism, and how my attempts to show love have often been flawed. I realize authentic love comes from God and that I must rely on the Holy Spirit rather than my own wisdom to truly love others.

Mi Introducción al Amor

Un hombre reflexiona sobre sus siete décadas de vida y su incapacidad para entender completamente el amor debido a su autismo. Ha causado daño a otros a pesar de sus buenas intenciones y reconoce que todo amor verdadero viene de Dios. La clave es seguir la guía del Espíritu Santo y no depender de su propia sabiduría.