¿Qué se ve vivir en paz con otros?
¿Qué se ve vivir en paz con otros? Si dependo de Dios para darme todas las cosas buenas, no las esperaré de otras personas. Y, cuando nada estuvo dicho, yo no debía asumir nada.
Former location of "The Kingdom of the Heavens" blog, written by an incurable fool who is trying to become a holy fool!
¿Qué se ve vivir en paz con otros? Si dependo de Dios para darme todas las cosas buenas, no las esperaré de otras personas. Y, cuando nada estuvo dicho, yo no debía asumir nada.
What does it look like to live at peace with others? If I depend on God to give me all good things, I will not expect them from other people. And, when nothing was said, I should not assume anything.
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. This is one of the most important principles of Scriture, because God is love.
Si es posible, y en cuanto dependa de ustedes, vivan en paz con todos. Esto es uno de los principios más importantes de las Escrituras, porque Dios es amor.
I’ve heard it preached that, when I hold a grudge, I hurt only myself. The other person is not affected. But this is simply false. As long as either of us is holding a grudge, we are both imprisoned in it, until the one holding the grudge releases it. I must offer unlimited forgiveness, and not give in to bearing a grudge toward those who have hurt me. And I must be aware that my grudge always affects other people.
The importance of broad family and kindred groups to God’s work on Earth and my initiative to my own.
The modern emphasis on first identifying my “gift” so that I may then “help” God develop it gets the matter exactly backwards. The important thing isn’t identifying my gift, it is offering my body as a living sacrifice so that the Spirit may exercise any gift He chooses through me. Then any gift I am observed to be actually exercising can be identified as my gift, and its exercise will be genuine and have God’s power.
A God who Speaks, Desire to have our own way, Disrespecting poor believers, Divisions in the Church, God Speaks to Us, God's purpose for us, Historical Background, In the Church, Meaning of Unity, Other Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Personal Background, Personality cults, Prophecy, Through others, Through teachers, Through the church, To be his ambassadors, To bear fruit, To live in unity
Addresses the subject of the roles of the people said in Ephesians 4 to be “given” to the Church by Christ and the qualifications and roles of church officers mentioned in the New Testament–overseers, officially recognized elders, and church servants (deacons). Also discusses the role of elders–older people in the church–even when not formally recognized as leaders, with application to me, the author of this presentation.
Linked text to accompany the second in a series of videos about God’s gifts and callings for people, which he sometimes gives to notorious evildoers who clearly did not earn them. How can this be fair or just? It has to do with his plan for the whole cosmos.
Eternity, forgiveness and mercy, God is light, God is Love, God was never our enemy, God's Existence and Nature, God's purpose for us, God's rationality, Merit, patience, Reconciliation, Regeneration, Restoration of God's Image, Salvation, The Invisible God's Self-Existence, The Kingdom of the Heavens, The Problem of Evil, To be his ambassadors, To live in unity, To see God's glory
The first of a series of videos about God giving people things to start which he does not then permit them to finish. God does this for his own glory, and, sometimes to protect his own reputation, as was the case in King David’s preparations to build a Temple–and also in my own life.
Background Information, Confession of Sin, Consequences, Desire to have our own way, God's purpose for us, God's rationality, Personal Background, Pride in accomplishments as our own, self-serving worship, Sin, To be his ambassadors, To bear fruit, To live in unity, Trusting sight over God's words, What is sin?