If we are doing what we are supposed to be doing, we should expect to see some earthquakes, volcanoes, seizures, fires, and other things that drastically change the lives of the people around us--though in a good direction--toward love and good deeds.
The word here translated “spur one another on” is “paroxysmon” from which the English word paroxysm comes.
So we’re supposed to think about how we can give each other paroxysms? Earthquakes of love, and eruptions of good deeds? Or maybe love seizures, and fires of good deeds that burn up everything else?
And the word translated “encouraging one another” is a participle of the verb “parakaleo” in a voice which is most naturally read as saying we do it to each other. But, wait, the Holy Spirit is also called the “parácletos,” the one who comes alongside us to help us–taken from the same verb. So we are supposed to be doing what the Holy Spirit does for us, for each other? And that’s what “encouraging” each other means?
Yes, that’s what it’s saying. If we are doing what we are supposed to be doing, we should expect to see some earthquakes, volcanoes, seizures, fires, and other things that drastically change the lives of the people around us–though in a good direction–toward love and good deeds.
Next: Encouragers/ Exhorters: Be who you are!

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