Tag Archive: repent

Moron Mutual Imprisonment: Binding and Loosing and Church Discipline are Parts of the Same Context, Matthew 18:15-20

Links: This post read as a YouTube video. Full playlist for this series. The point to be made by this post is really quite simple: Jesus’ statement that the things we bind on earth will be bound in heaven and the things we set loose on earth will be loosed in heaven was made in a very specific context, namely,…
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What Really Happened in the Garden

God created the first human, male and female, as a being like himself with whom he could share his life and his creation. But the disobedience of the first humans introduced shame, which drove them away from God and hindered them from agreeing with God about their sin and returning to him. This is always the effect of shame, which comes from us, not from God.

Repentance Series Index

An index to the series of blog articles on the subject of repentance.

Distinction Between “Sin” (Singular) and “Sins” (Plural)–Part 5–First John

The Scriptures generally draw a qualitative distinction between “sin,” in the singular, and “sins,” in the plural. “Sin” is our inward attitude of rebellion against God. “Sins” are bad actions. This post gives examples from First John which paint a picture of the complete Christian life.

Paul’s Mourning over those who have Not Repented, 2 Corinthians 12:21

When Paul wrote his second letter to the Corinthians, he feared he would later come to them and find that they had not repented of their underlying mixed motives and attitudes of self-centered worship and sensual focus. The result would be the same strife and disorder he had reproved in his first letter.

Godly sorrow and repentance which leads to salvation, 2 Corinthians 7:8-10

In Corinth, Godly sorrow over a letter Paul regretted writing led the members of the church to a zeal to put away their sins which is the definition of repentance. After that repentance, they were told to accept back among themselves even those who had lapsed into the “worst” sins, but had repented.

Self-righteousness, idolatry of self, repentance and an unrepentant heart in Romans 2

Romans 2:4-5 is a warning aimed not at the wicked world, but at the self-righteous–even believers–who harshly judge others while forgetting that it was the kindness of God that led them to repentance.

Works worthy of repentance in Acts 26:20

In his trial before King Herod Agrippa in Acts 26, Paul went out of his way to emphasize that “works worthy of repentance” flow from turning to God and not from our own determination to prove our repentance.

An ambiguous instance of “repentance” before the Ephesian elders, Acts 20:21

Paul’s farewell message to the Ephesian elders reminded them of his former preaching in their church, in which “repentance toward God” was linked with “the things concerning God’s Kingdom,” a realm in which God is obeyed.

The Ephesian believers in Acts 19 and John’s baptism to repentance

When Paul spoke to some disciples of John the Baptist in Acts 19, he pointed out to them that John’s baptism was a baptism to repentance–a changed way of life–not as an end in itself, but leading to Jesus and a life transformed by the Holy Spirit.