Tag Archive: pain

A Visit with the Unforgiving Servant on the Rack.  What did he Still Owe?

Links: This post read as a You Tube video. Full playlist for this series. We now continue with the story of the first servant—the one whose Lord forgave him an astronomically large debt, but who then wouldn’t forgive his fellow servant a debt of three months’ wages.  While the two servants were the only parties to the debt, they were…
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Where am I going next–and does it really matter?

About the shortness of my time remaining, the failure of my life thus far, priorities, how Don Quixote, the Serenity Prayer and Ponce de Leon fit, love is always passionate, and passion always hurts, and proudly wearing the craters on my heart.

The “Curses” on Adam, Eve and the Serpent: Are Vexed Gender Relations, Meaningless Hard Work and Economic Oppression God’s Will?

God did not curse Adam and Eve when they sinned. He told them what the mostly natural evil consequences of their decision to live apart from him would be. In doing this, he did NOT decree any of these evil consequences as things as a part of his perfect will. Sexual and class inequalities are evil consequences of sin, not God’s will.