Tag Archive: Jesus

Both of the Debtors in the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant Ended up in Debtors’ Prison

The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant in Matthew 18 shows that an unresolved offense keeps both parties imprisoned, bound from service, though only the unforgiving one is tortured by their unforgiveness.

Jesus is the good shepherd

Jesus is the good shepherd. The good shepherd will never abandon his sheep. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep, to deliver them from danger. Jesus has done this for us.

The Good Shepherd and His Sheep

I’m like a sheep. I need a shepherd who has already given his life to rescue me from wolves. I need the good shepherd, Jesus, as my shepherd. Because Jesus is my shepherd, I know that if I listen to him, I will hear his voice calling me. I can be sure that I am his because I recognize his voice.

The Son of Man has Power on Earth to Forgive Sins

When Jesus said that the son of man has power to forgive sins on Earth, he was referring to his humanity–and ours. God has already forgiven. Like Jesus, we have the power–and the mission–to offer forgiveness on Earth.

Part 7H: Is God Speaking? Determining Who is Speaking.

God gives us tests to use to determine whether a message we hear came from him or from somewhere else. Most of these tests apply regardless of whether the message comes from an internal voice or through the mouth or writings of another person who claims to speak for God. They start with the overarching test “do I recognize my Shepherd’s voice in what is said?”

God’s Work and Voice in Me, Part 7E: God’s Voice in the New Testament

The voice of God as found being spoken to various people in the New Testament, both publicly and privately.

Part 7C: God Speaks to Us–He Never Quit Speaking

This post and the linked video discuss a few New Testament passages in which God tells us that he intends to continue communicating with us. This set of passages have at least plausible interpretations that do not require present-time vocal communication. The next video will cover passages that appear to require current-time spoken communication.

Part 7B: What Does a “Relationship” with God Mean?

A strange thing happened in the 1970’s–we learned for the first time that what we need is a “personal relationship” with Christ. But this terminology is not scriptural, and was left largely undefined, with curious results. That “relationship” became self-defined! What does it mean? What should it mean? What are a believer’s relationships with God? Jesus is our shepherd, older brother, King, teacher and friend, but the word “relationship” is not found. We are called God’s children, house, temple and sheep, but never said to be “in a relationship” with him.

You Are Not the One to Build, Part 5: God’s Callings for All of His Children and Friends

God “calls” all believers to love one another and to be conformed to the image of His Son–to be made, by God, to be just like Jesus. There is also a number of other things to which God “calls” all believers–almost all of them things we simply let him do to or through us, and all of them summed up by loving each other and being remade into His image.

You Are Not The One to Build, Part 4: God is “calling!” What does that mean?

Linked text accompanying the You Tube video with the same name. God calls us. God’s call presents neither a question of what human has “authority” nor of human “leadership,” but of God’s right to make free use of what He gives.