The Kingdom is all around us

Parts of doing good:  love, affection, honor, prayer, hospitality, caring for each other’s needs, preferring each other

Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor that which is evil. Cling to that which is good. In love of the brothers be tenderly affectionate to one another; in honor preferring one another; not lagging in diligence; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope; enduring in troubles; continuing steadfastly in prayer; contributing to the needs of the saints; given to hospitality.

Where am I going next–and does it really matter?

About the shortness of my time remaining, the failure of my life thus far, priorities, how Don Quixote, the Serenity Prayer and Ponce de Leon fit, love is always passionate, and passion always hurts, and proudly wearing the craters on my heart.

Un rencor encarcela a todas sus partes

Guardando rencor, no solo uno se daña a sí mismo, sino que ambas partes quedan atrapadas en una prisión emocional hasta que se libere el rencor. Jesús enseña que debemos perdonar infinitamente y sin contabilizar las ofensas, mostrando compasión y misericordia hacia los demás, como Dios lo hace con nosotros. Originalmente publicado en inglés el 11 de julio de 2024.

Carta para Regina Olveira, que veio do Rio de Janeiro

Uma carta para Regina Oliveira, que veio do Rio de Janeiro e abençoou nossas vidas em 1984 e 1985, conforme descrito em meu post anterior. Um tiro no escuro. Por favor, responda!

The Story of Regina

Explanation of the letter I have written to Regina Oliveira. She was an important part of the surreal story of my life from 1984 to 1991, then she disappeared. Her love sustained us in a very difficult time. This story teaches that you can’t know how much the kindness you do today will change the world forty years from now.

La historia de Regina

Explicación de la carta que he escrito a Regina Oliveira. Ella era una parte importante de la historia surreal de mi vida de 1984 a 1991, luego desapareció. Su amor nos sostuvo en un momento muy difícil. Esta historia enseña que no puedes saber cuánto la bondad que haces hoy cambiará el mundo dentro de cuarenta años.

Encouragers/ Exhorters: Be who you are!

Each member has his or her own gifts, which are not the same as those of other members. The Church needs all our gifts. We are to be the persons that God has made us to be fully, unreservedly, completely in proportion to the faith. To Encouragers/ Exhorters, God says: “Be who you are!” The rest of us would be in a bad place without you!

Animadores/ Exhortadores: ¡sé quién eres!

La Iglesia necesita todos nuestros dones. Debemos ser las personas que el Dios nos ha hecho de ser con plenitud, sin reserva, completamente en proporción a la fe. A los Animadores/ Exhortadores, Dios les dice: ¡Sé lo quién eres! ¡El resto de nosotros estaríamos en un mal lugar sin ti!

Warning: Spiritual Encouragement/ Exhortation Causes Paroxysms!

If we are doing what we are supposed to be doing, we should expect to see some earthquakes, volcanoes, seizures, fires, and other things that drastically change the lives of the people around us–though in a good direction–toward love and good deeds.

Advertencia: ¡Aliento Espiritual / Exhortación Causa Paroxismos!

Si estamos haciendo lo que se supone que debemos hacer, debemos esperar ver algunos terremotos, volcanes, convulsiones, incendios y otras cosas que cambian drásticamente la vida de las personas que nos rodean, aunque en una buena dirección, hacia el amor y las buenas obras.