The Blog Will Continue Under a New Name, Emphasizing that I’m an Incurable Fool!
Full retraction of all previous blog content as the words of an ignorant fool. Declaration of a new purpose and an intention to now burn myself out following it.
Former location of "The Kingdom of the Heavens" blog, written by an incurable fool who is trying to become a holy fool!
Full retraction of all previous blog content as the words of an ignorant fool. Declaration of a new purpose and an intention to now burn myself out following it.
About the shortness of my time remaining, the failure of my life thus far, priorities, how Don Quixote, the Serenity Prayer and Ponce de Leon fit, love is always passionate, and passion always hurts, and proudly wearing the craters on my heart.
John 10:7-10: Here, Jesus changes his metaphor a bit. He still calls us his sheep who trust in him. But now he is identified as the door of our fold, the place where we are safe. Just like in the previous metaphor, everyone else who came before Jesus and tried to lead the sheep were thieves and robbers. And once…
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Jesús se describe como la puerta del redil, asegurando la protección y guía de sus verdaderas ovejas, que solo siguen su voz y no la de los ladrones. Contrasta su misión de dar vida eterna con la de los ladrones, que buscan robar y destruir. Solo a través de él se obtiene vida abundante y eterna.
My lifelong struggle with love, exacerbated by autism, and how my attempts to show love have often been flawed. I realize authentic love comes from God and that I must rely on the Holy Spirit rather than my own wisdom to truly love others.
Un hombre reflexiona sobre sus siete décadas de vida y su incapacidad para entender completamente el amor debido a su autismo. Ha causado daño a otros a pesar de sus buenas intenciones y reconoce que todo amor verdadero viene de Dios. La clave es seguir la guía del Espíritu Santo y no depender de su propia sabiduría.
Guardando rencor, no solo uno se daña a sí mismo, sino que ambas partes quedan atrapadas en una prisión emocional hasta que se libere el rencor. Jesús enseña que debemos perdonar infinitamente y sin contabilizar las ofensas, mostrando compasión y misericordia hacia los demás, como Dios lo hace con nosotros. Originalmente publicado en inglés el 11 de julio de 2024.
Consequences, Divisions in the Church, Forgive as we forgive, Forgiveness and Unforgiveness, God is light, In the Church, judgment, Meaning of Unity, On speaking terms again, Quarrels, Reconciliation, refusal to repent, Repentance, Repentance in community, Restoration of God's Image, Restoration of our Relationships, Sin, The Kingdom is all around us, The Kingdom of the Heavens, To be his ambassadors, To live in unity, Unity, What is sin?
Isn’t a “Relationship” with Jesus what I need? Yes, and no. The Bible never says that we need just some “relationship,” any “relationship” with Jesus. Instead, we are told of several specific relationships that involve people who know who they are, and who recognize the voice of Jesus and obey it.
A God who Speaks, Changed treatment of each other, Conversation with God, God is light, God Never Stopped Speaking, God Speaks to Us, God's Existence and Nature, God's purpose for us, God's Voice, Language and Speech, Must Trust God to Enter, Reconciliation, Refusing to hear, Restoration of God's Image, Show us the Way of Truth, The Kingdom of the Heavens, To be in his image, Truth and Falsehood
Uma carta para Regina Oliveira, que veio do Rio de Janeiro e abençoou nossas vidas em 1984 e 1985, conforme descrito em meu post anterior. Um tiro no escuro. Por favor, responda!
Explanation of the letter I have written to Regina Oliveira. She was an important part of the surreal story of my life from 1984 to 1991, then she disappeared. Her love sustained us in a very difficult time. This story teaches that you can’t know how much the kindness you do today will change the world forty years from now.
A God who Speaks, Angels, Denominationalism, Ethnic Division, Events and Signs, forgiveness and mercy, God Acts by Speaking, God is light, God is Love, God Never Stopped Speaking, God Speaks to Us, God's purpose for us, God's sovereignty, Heresy, His Friends, In the Church, Love each other, Meaning of Unity, patience, Personal Background, Restoration of our Relationships, Show us the Way of Truth, The Kingdom is all around us, The Kingdom of the Heavens, Through others, To be his ambassadors, To live in unity, Truth and Falsehood, Uncategorized, Victory