Forgive as we forgive

La historia de Regina

Explicación de la carta que he escrito a Regina Oliveira. Ella era una parte importante de la historia surreal de mi vida de 1984 a 1991, luego desapareció. Su amor nos sostuvo en un momento muy difícil. Esta historia enseña que no puedes saber cuánto la bondad que haces hoy cambiará el mundo dentro de cuarenta años.

A question about being forgotten

Many times it seems to me that people have decided to treat me as non-existent. How should I love them?

Una pregunta sobre ser olvidado

Muchas veces me parece que personas hayan decidido tratarme como inexistente. ¿Cómo debo amarles?

About “Turn, Turn, Turn” by “The Byrds”

This is my fear and my hope. There is a time to dance, although I could never dance. There is a time to hug each other. There is a time for peace. There is a time to love. Will that time come during my lifetime? I do not know.

Sobre «Turn, Turn, Turn» por «The Byrds»

Responde a la canción vieja «Turn, Turn». Hay un tiempo para todo. Pero espero que el tiempo de bailar, abrazarse y hacerse paz no haya pasado ya.

God highly values reconciliation

God values conciliation very much. And the responsibility is mine, not yours. I can’t serve God while I know that you hold something against me.

Is There Anything God Can’t Forgive?

God can’t forgive a grudge I am holding against you. I have to do that. And God can’t forgive a grudge you are holding against me. You have to do that. To know God’s forgiveness, I must choose to live in it.

The Son of Man has Power on Earth to Forgive Sins

When Jesus said that the son of man has power to forgive sins on Earth, he was referring to his humanity–and ours. God has already forgiven. Like Jesus, we have the power–and the mission–to offer forgiveness on Earth.

The Power of My Forgiveness and Unforgiveness, Revisited

My forgiveness or unforgiveness of you has real power. If I hold onto a grudge against you, or you hold onto a grudge against me, it binds both of us, limits the Body of Christ, and affects the whole world, until it is released. So we must properly deal with grudges.

Our Father–The One in the Heavens: God with Us in the Lord’s Prayer

Recognition of the heavens all around us and of the imperatives used in the Lord Prayer, Jesus’ model for our prayers, transforms it into a very radical and dangerous prayer. In it, we are actually commanding the immediate manifestation of God’s increasing rule in our present existence and on Earth.