
Our reconciliation to God as a part of the restoration of His image.

The Command to “Go” and “Be Reconciled” — Part 2, The “Then”

As I said on Part 1, Jesus’ command to go and be reconciled is stated in Matthew 5:23-24, which is a single conditional sentence even though it is divided into two verses in modern Bibles: [Reference Link: Matthew 5:23-24 (WEB)], The part of this sentence that is placed into verse 23 is the protasis, or “if” clause, of the conditional…
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The Golden Rule: I love my enemies because I want them to do the same to me

I will now begin to apply an extended passage from Jesus’ “Sermon on the Plain,” recorded in Luke 6:27-40. Jesus’ message in this passage can be summarized as: The passage starts: Luke 6:27-30 (WEB) Here we are given a list of commands about how to treat those who hate, oppose or use us. But, by Jesus own words. these commands…
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Paul also approved of mediation of disputes between Christians by other believers

The theme verse of this installment is Philippians 4:2-3, in which Paul first exhorts Euodia and Syntyche to put their differences aside and agree with each other, then encourages one of the other leaders in Philippi, who he calls his “true partner” to help the two women come into agreement: Philippians 4:2-3 (WEB). This appears to be a request by…
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The Apostle Paul approved of arbitration of disputes between Christians by other believers

The theme of this installment is a question Paul asked the church in Corinth: 1 Corinthians 6:5 (WEB) While the process Jesus described in Matthew 18:15-20 (see previous series of installments) is the ideal procedure, the one most likely to produce reconciliation–which is the goal of all such procedures–the New Testament is not rigidly inflexible in demanding that only this…
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Is Infinite Forgiveness shown to Us by God? Are We Supposed to Do the Same?

Links: This post read as a YouTube video . Full playlist for this series. The next part of Jesus’ discussion of forgiveness in Matthew 18 asks the question “is infinite forgiveness shown to us by God. and are we supposed to do the same?” Then Peter came and said to him, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me,…
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My Next Fool’s Errand: Justifying continued prayer for other believers who have told me I must “forget” them because of an offense

Preliminary outline of two series dealing with mutual imprisonment by unforgiveness, God’s goal of reconciliation, and praying for those who don’t want my prayers using constructive, New Testament prayers.

Offenses, leprosy–and members cutting each other off

The analogy between classical leprosy (Hansen’s Disease) and the effect of unresolved bitterness between members of the Body of Christ. Both cause members of the body to lose sensation and be vulnerable to infection and death. “Cutting off” members only accelerates this.

The Blog Will Continue Under a New Name, Emphasizing that I’m an Incurable Fool!

Full retraction of all previous blog content as the words of an ignorant fool. Declaration of a new purpose and an intention to now burn myself out following it.

Why shouldn’t I be afraid I’ll hear the wrong voice?

The author expresses confidence in being guided by Jesus, identifying as one of His sheep who recognizes His voice and follows Him. They emphasize the importance of distinguishing Jesus’ voice from false voices and assert that true followers will flee from deceit. The key to this discernment lies in the willingness to obey God’s voice.

¿Por qué no debería tener miedo de escuchar la voz equivocada?

El texto destaca la importancia de reconocer y seguir la voz de Jesús, quien es comparado con un pastor. Aquellos que pertenecen a Jesús identificarán y seguirán su voz, y evitarán la del extraño. La obediencia a la voz de Dios garantiza la seguridad y dirección correctas.