God highly values reconciliation
God values conciliation very much. And the responsibility is mine, not yours. I can’t serve God while I know that you hold something against me.
Former location of "The Kingdom of the Heavens" blog, written by an incurable fool who is trying to become a holy fool!
God values conciliation very much. And the responsibility is mine, not yours. I can’t serve God while I know that you hold something against me.
¿Qué se ve vivir en paz con otros? Si dependo de Dios para darme todas las cosas buenas, no las esperaré de otras personas. Y, cuando nada estuvo dicho, yo no debía asumir nada.
What does it look like to live at peace with others? If I depend on God to give me all good things, I will not expect them from other people. And, when nothing was said, I should not assume anything.
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. This is one of the most important principles of Scriture, because God is love.
What is born of the Spirit is unpredictable, like the wind. But we generally prefer to avoid individuals who can trigger the types of violent course correction—paroxysmon—spoken of in Hebrews 10:24.
God can’t forgive a grudge I am holding against you. I have to do that. And God can’t forgive a grudge you are holding against me. You have to do that. To know God’s forgiveness, I must choose to live in it.
God created the first human, male and female, as a being like himself with whom he could share his life and his creation. But the disobedience of the first humans introduced shame, which drove them away from God and hindered them from agreeing with God about their sin and returning to him. This is always the effect of shame, which comes from us, not from God.
Complex unity, Confession and Repentance, Conversation with God, Desire to have our own way, Forgetting God, Free will, God is Love, God's Existence and Nature, God's purpose for us, Guilt versus Shame, Knowing good and evil, Language and Speech, Male and female, Marriage, Marriage, Marriage and Reproduction, Meaning of Unity, Repentance, Replacing Relationship with Morality, Sin, To be in his image, To bear fruit, To fill and govern the Earth, Trinity, Unity, What is sin?
Defines the common sets of terms pertaining to sin, offense, guilt, shame and honor, with a discussion of God’s work and initial comments on the importance of their confusion in maintaining the social order.
When Jesus said that the son of man has power to forgive sins on Earth, he was referring to his humanity–and ours. God has already forgiven. Like Jesus, we have the power–and the mission–to offer forgiveness on Earth.
My forgiveness or unforgiveness of you has real power. If I hold onto a grudge against you, or you hold onto a grudge against me, it binds both of us, limits the Body of Christ, and affects the whole world, until it is released. So we must properly deal with grudges.