To be in his image

God created us to bear his image, as Jesus does

Our Shepherd’s Voice

This passage discusses a traditional shepherd’s gentle approach to guiding sheep, emphasizing their trust in the shepherd’s voice. Unlike methods involving fear, the shepherd calls each sheep by name, leading them willingly. The analogy highlights the importance of trust and guidance, affirming that every individual is recognized and led with care.

La Voz de Nuestro Pastor

Explica que los versículos describen a un pastor tradicional llamando a sus ovejas por su nombre, sin usar miedo ni métodos modernos. Jesús enseña que el pastor guía a las ovejas con confianza y amor, haciéndolas salir del redil y seguir su voz de buena voluntad.

¿Qué es una raíz de amargura?

Una raíz de amargura es un rencor que, al difundirse, contamina al oyente y crea actitudes de desprecio hacia el ofensor. Los rumores empeoran y se propagan exponencialmente, dañando irreparablemente las relaciones. La única solución es perdonar y buscar la reconciliación, evitando siempre los chismes.

The Good Shepherd and His Sheep

I’m like a sheep. I need a shepherd who has already given his life to rescue me from wolves. I need the good shepherd, Jesus, as my shepherd. Because Jesus is my shepherd, I know that if I listen to him, I will hear his voice calling me. I can be sure that I am his because I recognize his voice.

Isn’t a “Relationship” with Jesus what I need?

Isn’t a “Relationship” with Jesus what I need? Yes, and no. The Bible never says that we need just some “relationship,” any “relationship” with Jesus. Instead, we are told of several specific relationships that involve people who know who they are, and who recognize the voice of Jesus and obey it.

La historia de Regina

Explicación de la carta que he escrito a Regina Oliveira. Ella era una parte importante de la historia surreal de mi vida de 1984 a 1991, luego desapareció. Su amor nos sostuvo en un momento muy difícil. Esta historia enseña que no puedes saber cuánto la bondad que haces hoy cambiará el mundo dentro de cuarenta años.

An important decision about my articles

The most important lesson of the last six months of my life is: to be who I am without reservation, without restraint. I’m a teacher, not a mushroom. And I participate in a Hispanic church. Therefore, I will write in Spanish first.

Una decisión importante sobre mis artículos

La lección más importante de los últimos seis meses de mi vida es: ser quien soy sin reservas, sin contención. Soy maestro, no hongo. Participo en una iglesia hispana y ouedo escribir en español. Por eso, ahora voy a escribir primero en español.

Encouragers/ Exhorters: Be who you are!

Each member has his or her own gifts, which are not the same as those of other members. The Church needs all our gifts. We are to be the persons that God has made us to be fully, unreservedly, completely in proportion to the faith. To Encouragers/ Exhorters, God says: “Be who you are!” The rest of us would be in a bad place without you!

Warning: Spiritual Encouragement/ Exhortation Causes Paroxysms!

If we are doing what we are supposed to be doing, we should expect to see some earthquakes, volcanoes, seizures, fires, and other things that drastically change the lives of the people around us–though in a good direction–toward love and good deeds.