God’s purpose for us

What is God’s purpose for human beings?

“If two of you shall agree on earth” refers to the reconciliation procedure

Jesus’ promise to answer prayers made by any two believers who are in agreement is a part of his discussion on reconciliation of offenses. Strictly, it applies to prayers made as a result of reconciliation. This underscores the importance of reconciliation between believers to Jesus.

My Next Fool’s Errand: Justifying continued prayer for other believers who have told me I must “forget” them because of an offense

Preliminary outline of two series dealing with mutual imprisonment by unforgiveness, God’s goal of reconciliation, and praying for those who don’t want my prayers using constructive, New Testament prayers.

Am I Presently Disqualified from all Participation, Service and Giving?

The reasons I believe Scripture now bars me from nearly all church activities, service and giving until offenses two other believers hold against me are fully resolved–if that ever happens–and what I plan to do now.

Where am I going next–and does it really matter?

About the shortness of my time remaining, the failure of my life thus far, priorities, how Don Quixote, the Serenity Prayer and Ponce de Leon fit, love is always passionate, and passion always hurts, and proudly wearing the craters on my heart.

Jesus, the Great Shepherd, leads only one flock. And he is our only Shepherd.

Jesus is our only Shepherd, gives his life for the sheep, and has only one flock. He assigns us to where he wants, when he wants.

Jesús, el Gran Pastor, guía un solo rebaño. Y él es nuestro único Pastor.

Jesús es nuestro único Pastor, quien da su vida por las ovejas, y él guía un solo rebaño. Él asigna sus ovejas a los lugares que quiere, cuando quiere.

Love Never Behaves Inappropriately, a personal aside

To understand how to love people in each specific situation, I must ask God and listen to His answer. This is particularly important for me because of my condition. I can’t fake it.

El Amor Nunca Se Porta Indecorosamente, un aparte personal

Para entender cómo amar a las personas en cada situación específica, debo preguntarle a Dios y escuchar su respuesta. Esto es particularmente importante para mí debido a mi condición.. Yo no lo puedo fingir.

Jesus is the good shepherd

Jesus is the good shepherd. The good shepherd will never abandon his sheep. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep, to deliver them from danger. Jesus has done this for us.

Jesús es el buen pastor

Jesús es el buen pastor. El buen pastor nunca abandonará a sus ovejas. El buen pastor da su vida por las ovejas, para liberarlas del peligro. Jesús ha hecho esto por nosotros.