What is God’s Word

Posts dealing with God’s Word as what He communicates, expressed through Jesus the Word Incarnate

Prophets (New Testament)

Prophets tell forth God’s words to an individual, church or situation, giving God’s perspective which is not plainly visible without God’s illumination. The purpose of prophecy is to edify the Church. Prediction of the future is not the essence of prophecy. Many great preachers were likely prophets, though not recognized as such. This function is still important to the Body, and therefore still present in it.


The distinguishing mark of the apostle is the apostolic functions of starting new works, of guiding resolution of conflicts, and of ordaining and directing organization in the Body. Since these functions are still needed, it follows God still gives the church people gifted for these functions, whether we call them apostles or not.

From Early Christianity to Islam and Back — 1. The Earliest Christianity

This post is the first in a series of six outlining a broad view of how things in the Church and the world got to be as they are now, including contributions early Christianity and Islam made to each other. This post attempts to outline the basic positions of early Christianity. Comments are invited!

Hearing and Understanding God’s Voice is Dependent on Our Oneness

God is not silent. He is always speaking, and has always spoken to humans. But the humans who recognize and understand his voice are members of his flock. And those who distance themselves from the flock, not living in unity, cannot accurately discern his voice.

The Period of High Creativity that Followed, 2000-2006

He wants to talk us through doing his will, instructing us every step of the way, as we learn to trust him. He is the one with the whole picture. Learning to hear his voice and trust him is the whole point of our friendship (the word “relationship” is entirely too sterile) with him on the present earth. This is what restores his image in us. Accomplishing his work is only a by-product.

My Strangest Prayer and My Personal Experience with Prophecy

My personal journey from a liberal church that had little belief in spiritual gifts, through local churches of various other flavors, to the point of praying for prophecy, as 1 Corinthians 14:1, 12 and 39 seemed to say was appropriate.