Church purpose versus church growth

The opposition between God’s purpose for the Church and numerical growth as a purpose for churches

A question about being forgotten

Many times it seems to me that people have decided to treat me as non-existent. How should I love them?

Una pregunta sobre ser olvidado

Muchas veces me parece que personas hayan decidido tratarme como inexistente. ¿Cómo debo amarles?

About “Turn, Turn, Turn” by “The Byrds”

This is my fear and my hope. There is a time to dance, although I could never dance. There is a time to hug each other. There is a time for peace. There is a time to love. Will that time come during my lifetime? I do not know.

Sobre «Turn, Turn, Turn» por «The Byrds»

Responde a la canción vieja «Turn, Turn». Hay un tiempo para todo. Pero espero que el tiempo de bailar, abrazarse y hacerse paz no haya pasado ya.

My Response to “The Rose”

So dare I hope so late as now
Toward the end of my life
That, beneath all of the ice and snow
Atop my frozen grave
When the sun’s love clears the cold stone
There will yet lie the seed
That in the spring becomes the rose?.

God highly values reconciliation

God values conciliation very much. And the responsibility is mine, not yours. I can’t serve God while I know that you hold something against me.

Dios valora mucho la reconciliación.

Dios valora mucho la conciliación. Y la responsabilidad es la mía, no tuya. No puedo servir a Dios mientrase sé que tú tienes esa cosa en contra de mí.

¿Qué se ve vivir en paz con otros?

¿Qué se ve vivir en paz con otros? Si dependo de Dios para darme todas las cosas buenas, no las esperaré de otras personas. Y, cuando nada estuvo dicho, yo no debía asumir nada.

What does it look like to live at peace with others?

What does it look like to live at peace with others? If I depend on God to give me all good things, I will not expect them from other people. And, when nothing was said, I should not assume anything.

Live at peace with others

If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. This is one of the most important principles of Scriture, because God is love.