The universal Church and local churches

The distinction between the Body of Christ, local congregations and ecclesiastical organizations

Encouragers/ Exhorters: Be who you are!

Each member has his or her own gifts, which are not the same as those of other members. The Church needs all our gifts. We are to be the persons that God has made us to be fully, unreservedly, completely in proportion to the faith. To Encouragers/ Exhorters, God says: “Be who you are!” The rest of us would be in a bad place without you!

Animadores/ Exhortadores: ¡sé quién eres!

La Iglesia necesita todos nuestros dones. Debemos ser las personas que el Dios nos ha hecho de ser con plenitud, sin reserva, completamente en proporción a la fe. A los Animadores/ Exhortadores, Dios les dice: ¡Sé lo quién eres! ¡El resto de nosotros estaríamos en un mal lugar sin ti!

A question about being forgotten

Many times it seems to me that people have decided to treat me as non-existent. How should I love them?

Una pregunta sobre ser olvidado

Muchas veces me parece que personas hayan decidido tratarme como inexistente. ¿Cómo debo amarles?

God highly values reconciliation

God values conciliation very much. And the responsibility is mine, not yours. I can’t serve God while I know that you hold something against me.

¿Qué se ve vivir en paz con otros?

¿Qué se ve vivir en paz con otros? Si dependo de Dios para darme todas las cosas buenas, no las esperaré de otras personas. Y, cuando nada estuvo dicho, yo no debía asumir nada.

What does it look like to live at peace with others?

What does it look like to live at peace with others? If I depend on God to give me all good things, I will not expect them from other people. And, when nothing was said, I should not assume anything.

Live at peace with others

If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. This is one of the most important principles of Scriture, because God is love.

Vivir en paz con otros

Si es posible, y en cuanto dependa de ustedes, vivan en paz con todos. Esto es uno de los principios más importantes de las Escrituras, porque Dios es amor.

What Really Happened in the Garden

God created the first human, male and female, as a being like himself with whom he could share his life and his creation. But the disobedience of the first humans introduced shame, which drove them away from God and hindered them from agreeing with God about their sin and returning to him. This is always the effect of shame, which comes from us, not from God.