Brief Introduction to the Politicization of Christianity and its Consequences (Outline)

Introductory installment in a brief summary of a “big picture” overview of Western religious and political history, starting with Jesus and moving to the present. Overall thesis: Much of world history has been caused by the illegitimate politicization of Christianity.

This post is the first, introductory installment in a brief summary of a “big picture” overview of Western religious and political history, starting with Jesus and his immediate Disciples/Apostles and moving to the present. Its primary thesis is simple: errors which were introduced into organized Christianity in its early centuries as a result of its politicization were then in the Seventh Century CE either absorbed, modified and absolutized by Muhammad or absolutely rejected by him (and these rejections made pillars of his faith).  Then interaction between Islam and Christianity, much of it violent, caused hardened forms of these same errors to grow within organized Christianity, leading to the Crusades, the Reformation and its wars, the growth of modern political states in Europe and the Americas, and many of the problems of the current world.

Because both the period of time and the scope of the ideas involved in this introductory summary are extensive, even this “short” summary will be fairly lengthy. The completion of this introduction will be followed by the completion of an outline already started, and then, God willing, by the completion of articles filling in each point of that outline.

This introduction is in preliminary form, and will be edited, corrected and substantively improved as I finish the outline and the articles discussing the points of the outline. I’m sure it will also be edited and corrected in response to comments from readers more knowledgeable of some of the details than I.

A Simple Summary of Church and Western History–Introduction

A Few Comments on the Overall Process

“Spiritually Traumatized” Areas Hypothesis

Top-Down or Bottom-Up Repentance? The Shift Toward Mass “Evangelism” and Group “Conversions”

Period Jesus to 312 CE

Period 312 to 600 CE

“Nestorian”, Monophysite, Miaphysite, Arian and Philopponian Churches to 600 CE

The Rise of Islam, 610-732 CE

Christianity, Period 600 to 1076 CE

Christianity, Period 1076 to 1400 CE

Period 1400 to 1648 CE

Period 1648 to 1799 CE, Europe

Period 1648 to 1799 CE, Americas

Period 1648 to 1799 CE, Missions

Nineteenth Century, Europe

Nineteenth Century, Americas

Nineteenth Century, Missions

Twentieth Century to 2021, Europe

Twentieth Century to 2021, Americas

Twentieth Century to 2021, Remainder of the World

Church of the East and Miaphysite Eastern and African Churches since 600 CE

Geopolitical Hypothesis for the Western Church

Disclaimer about “Sacred” or “Church” History

1 Comment

  1. Pingback: Concurrent History of the Organized Church Institution, Divisions Among Christians, the Rise and Influence of Islam, and the Present State of the West – The Kingdom of the Heavens

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